L. R. Evangelista
Sorption-Desorption, Surface diffusion, and Memory Effects in a 3D System, P. M. Ndiaye, F. W. Tavares, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, H. V. Ribeiro, D. Marin, L. M. S. Guilherme, R. S. Zola, Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2021)
Fractional Calculus in Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy: Poisson-Nernst-Planck model and Extensions, E. K. Lenzi, R. S. Zola, H. V. Ribeiro, L. R. Evangelista, International Journal of Electrochemical Science 12 (2017)
Ion Motion in Electrolytic Cells: Anomalous Diffusion Evidences, E. K. Lenzi, R. S. Zola, H. V. Ribeiro, Denner S. Vieira, F. Ciuchi, A. Mazzulla, N. Scaramuzza, L. R. Evangelista, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, 2882--2886 (2017)
Anomalous diffusion governed by a fractional diffusion equation and the electrical response of an electrolytic cell, P. A. Santoro, J. L. de Paula, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, The Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 114704 (2011)
Exact propagator for a Fokker-Planck equation, first passage time distribution, and anomalous diffusion, A. T. Silva, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, M. K. Lenzi, H. V. Ribeiro, A. A. Tateishi, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52, 083301 (2011)
Fokker-Planck equation in a wedge domain: Anomalous diffusion and survival probability, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, M. K. Lenzi, L. R. da Silva, Physical Review E 80, 021131 (2009)
Fractional Diffusion Equation and Impedance Spectroscopy of Electrolytic Cells, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, G. Barbero, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 11371--11374 (2009)
Nonlocal effects on the thermal behavior of non-crystalline solids, E. K. Lenzi, N. G. C. Astrath, R. Rossato, L. R. Evangelista, Brazilian Journal of Physics 39, 507 (2009)
Director profile of a nematic between two concentric cylinders with inhomogeneous boundary conditions, C. A. R. Yednak, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, Brazilian Journal of Physics 39, 312 (2009)
Generalized entropy indices to measure α- and β-diversities of macrophytes, H. B. A. Evangelista, S. M. Thomaz, R. S. Mendes, L. R. Evangelista, Brazilian Journal of Physics 39, 396 (2009)
Some results for a fractional diffusion equation with radial symmetry in a confined region, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. da Silva, A. T. Silva, L. R. Evangelista, M. K. Lenzi, Physica A 388, 806 (2009)
Anomalous diffusion and the adsorption-desorption process in anisotropic media, E. K. Lenzi, L. R. Evangelista, G. Barbero, F. Mantegazza, Europhysics Letters 85, 28004 (2009)