Complex Lab

Research group on complex systems at the State University of Maringa

Recent Publications

Urban carbon dioxide emissions and the roles of population, area, and density

This chapter revisits a generalized framework based on an analogy with the economic theory of production functions for simultaneously …

Density scaling laws and rural-to-urban transitions

This chapter revisits an attempt to incorporate rural and urban regions into a coherent and unified approach based on scaling …

Connection between Zipf's law and urban scaling

This chapter revisits two approaches connecting Zipf’s law and urban scaling – two of the best-known examples of regularities emerging …

Comparing cities of different sizes with scale-adjusted metrics

Scaling laws between urban indicators and the population are one of the most striking and universal findings of recent urban studies. …

Quantifying the 15-minute city concept

Amid growing urbanization, the 15-minute city model seeks to transform city living by ensuring essential services are just a short walk …

Shape patterns in popularity series of video games

In recent years, digital games have become increasingly present in people’s lives both as a leisure activity or in gamified activities …

Characterizing unstructured data with the nearest neighbor permutation entropy

Permutation entropy and its associated frameworks are remarkable examples of physics-inspired techniques adept at processing complex …

A heteroscedastic Bayesian generalized logistic regression model with application to scaling problems

Power law scaling models have been used to understand the complexity of systems as diverse as cities, neurological activity, and …

Complexity of popularity and dynamics of within-game achievements in computer games

Tasks of different nature and difficulty levels are a part of people’s lives. In this context, there is a scientific interest in the …

Universal productivity patterns in research careers

A common expectation is that career productivity peaks rather early and then gradually declines with seniority. But whether this holds …

News and press coverage

Ex-aluno da UEM recebe prêmio de menção honrosa em concurso nacional

As outras quatro Instituições Estaduais de Ensino Superior (IEES) do estado foram reconhecidas com seis menções honrosas, em uma delas, o ex-aluno de doutorado em Física da UEM, Higor Yudi Duenha Sigaki foi agraciado.

Engrenagens do conhecimento

Ao analisar a produção científica ao longo da carreira de mais de 6 mil pesquisadores brasileiros de 14 disciplinas, a equipe do físico Haroldo Ribeiro, da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no Paraná, identificou padrões distintos de comportamento em relação à publicação de artigos.

Scientific American: Computer Program Measures the Entropy of Art

Computer Program Measures the Entropy of Art The digitization of paintings could help art historians detect previously unknown patterns and connections By Jess Romeo on March 5, 2019

Lavanguardia: Críticos artificiales del arte humano

Los algoritmos llegan a las mismas interpretaciones y conclusiones sobre la pintura que los expertos más reputados. Una investigación sobre arte basada en la inteligencia artificial demuestra que las métricas digitales fundamentadas en la física coinciden con los conceptos propuestos a lo largo de la historia por los expertos humanos.

Revista Pesquisa Fapesp: A evolução da pintura segundo a física

Embora a arte seja um domínio do subjetivo, um método computacional criado com base em duas medidas inspiradas pela física permitiu quantificar numericamente as mudanças de características visuais na pintura ao longo dos últimos mil anos.




Renio dos Santos Mendes

State University of Maringa

Associate Professor

Complex systems, Anomalous Diffusion, Statistical Physics


Ervin Kaminski Lenzi

State University of Maringa

Associate Professor

Anomalous Diffusion, Fractional Diffusion Equations, Statistical Physics, Complex Systems


Sergio de Picoli Jr.

State University of Maringa

Assistant Professor

Complex Systems, Statistical Physics


Haroldo Valentin Ribeiro

State University of Maringa

Associate Professor

Complex Systems, Statistical Physics, Anomalous Diffusion, Data Analysis

Postdoctoral researchers


Arthur Augusto Barizon Pessa

State University of Maringa

Postdoctoral researcher

Complex Systems, Complex Networks, Time Series Analysis

Ph.D. students


Jean Hideaki Yamada Passos

State University of Maringa

Ph.D. student

Complex Systems


Anna Laura Ferreira Lucchi

State University of Maringa

Ph.D. student

Complex Systems


Vítor Hugo Ribeiro

State University of Maringa

Ph.D. student

Science of Science, Complex Systems


Leonardo Gabriel José Mendes Voltarelli

State University of Maringa

Ph.D. student

Complex Systems

Master students


Mônica Valério Prates

State University of Maringa

Master Student

Complex Systems, Complex Networks

Undergrad students


Angelo Aggio Flores

State University of Maringa

Undergrad student

Complex Systems


Renato Hiroaki Ivanaga

State University of Maringa

Undergrad student

Complex Systems