Characterization of river flow fluctuations via horizontal visibility graphs

We report on a large-scale characterization of river discharges by employing the network framework of the horizontal visibility graph. By mapping daily time series from 141 different stations of 53 Brazilian rivers into complex networks, we present …

Solutions for a sorption process governed by a fractional diffusion equation

We investigate a sorption process where one substance spreads out through another having possibility of chemical reaction between them. So as to describe this process, we have considered the bulk dynamics governed by a fractional diffusion equation, …

Electrolytic cell containing different groups of ions with anomalous diffusion approach

The electrical response of an electrolytic cell containing more than one group of ions is investigated under the fractional approach where integro – differential boundary conditions and fractional time derivative of distributed order are considered. …

Scale-adjusted metrics for predicting the evolution of urban indicators and quantifying the performance of cities

More than a half of world population is now living in cities and this number is expected to be two-thirds by 2050. Fostered by the relevancy of a scientific characterization of cities and for the availability of an unprecedented amount of data, …

Solutions for a fractional diffusion equation: Anomalous diffusion and adsorption-desorption processes

We investigate the solutions of a fractional diffusion equation subjected to boundary conditions which can be connected to adsorption – desorption processes. The analytical solutions were obtained by using the Green function approach and showed an …

Solutions for a fractional diffusion equation with radial symmetry and integro-differential boundary conditions

The solutions for a dimensional system with radial symmetry and governed by a fractional diffusion equation have been investigated. More specifically, a spherical system was considered, being defined in the semi - infinity interval [R, ¥) and …

Temperature dependence of refractive index and of electrical impedance of grape seed (Vitis vinifera, Vitis labrusca) oils extracted by Soxhlet and mechanical pressing

In this report, the temperature dependence of the refractive index and electric impedance of vegetable oil grape seeds extracted from Vitis vinifera (v. Cabernet) and Vitis labrusca (v. Bordo) are investigated by means of experimental techniques. The …

Analogies between the cracking noise of ethanol-dampened charcoal and earthquakes

We report on an extensive characterization of the cracking noise produced by charcoal samples when dampened with ethanol. We argue that the evaporation of ethanol causes transient and irregularly distributed internal stresses that promote the …

Spatial correlations, clustering and percolation-like transitions in homicide crimes

The spatial dynamics of criminal activities has been recently studied through statistical physics methods; however, models and results have been focused on local scales (city level) and much less is known about these patterns at larger scales such as …

Non-Gaussian center-of-pressure velocity distribution during quiet stance

In the present study, we investigate patterns in the postural sway that characterize the static balance in human beings. To measure the postural sway, sixteen healthy young subjects performed quiet stance tasks providing the center-of-pressure (COP) …